Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Your iPod is Too Old

I just updated my installed version of iTunes. I went from 4-something to 6-something. When I synced to grab the couple of songs I just bought, I got a message that went like: "Not all of your songs could be synced because the software on your iPod is too old." Okay, fine, I haven't updated my firmware in a year . . . so I go and pull the latest update. Install it. Reboot. (Grrr!)

Then I re-sync it, to see what it was that couldn't be synced. Lo and behold, the answer is: everything I've ever bought from iTunes! I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing (and I'm confident it's a good guess) that they updated their DRM to combat whatever evil scheme the hackers have concocted to crack it.

This freaked me out a little. Hello, dumbasses at Apple! This is EXACTLY what the general populace hates and fears about DRM -- that even though they have bought something, they don't really "own" it, and the provider can revoke their access to it on a whim. This is the sort of thing that drives people to It's not too much to ask that I can keep the things I've rightfully paid for, is it?

Sheesh. For $.99, I'd be happy to sell you guys a clue.


At 4:40 AM, Blogger Sean said...

JHymn, baby. Get rid of that nasty ol' DRM.

I don't condone stealing music, of course, but I surely do want to be able to listen to the music I buy off iTunes on the PSP or wherever else is convenient, and JHymn's been great for letting me exercise my fair use rights, even if it's technically illegal to use it, thanks to the shortsightedness of the DMCA.

Of course, now that I look, it appears that JHymn hasn't yet caught up with the latest iTunes 6.0 DRM nonsense. Rats.

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Ghosty said...

Wow, I happened to stop over here on a lark and found you changed your template - AND you're still posting! Awesome, man.

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Tom said...

You'd sell a clue for $.99? Shouldn't that be $19.99?

Just teasing, I just found your blog and thought I'd drop a note to let you know that there are now 7 people reading your blog!

At 6:55 AM, Blogger CrazyJoe said...

JHymn's taking too long, I agree!

Wait till you get the new video iPod, a whole new brand of headaches involving getting your personal video (or DVDs) on there. I've figured most if it out, in case you want to avoid the headaches!


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