Wednesday, November 29, 2006

From the mouths of babes

My daughter Devin (age 8), who surely knows more of the language than I did at her age, is nevertheless a great source of malapropisms and unintentional bon mots. This weekend, she came up with a brilliant one, while playing air hockey with her brother: "Brains always wins over bronze." Which led to a discussion, naturally, of the fact that silver wins over bronze, too.

I take this as a good sign -- that she's trying to push the boundaries of her vocabulary. Most people, it seems to me, stop doing this around age 5. Of course, she doesn't realize how funny her mistakes are, and that's good, because she would be mortified. Fortunately, she probably won't read this blog until long after I'm dead (because, hey, no one else does :-).


At 2:52 PM, Blogger Nobody said...

I read your blog!

At 8:55 PM, Blogger MrTact said...

Like I said, nobody reads my blog :-)

At 5:48 AM, Blogger Steve said...

damn our children and the things they say...


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