Happy Valentine's Day!
If you're into that sort of thing. Likewise, if you're so inclined, happy belated Darwin Day and 1234567890 Day.
In writing news, got a really nice bit of feedback on "Road" from one of my fellow VPers who won't be participating in the Skype discussion (tomorrow! yikes!). She liked it a lot, and gave me some very specific things that tripped her up, which will go into the "fit and finish" pass I do after the Skype call. Unless my other fellow VPers find something critically amiss which necessitates taking the piece apart and then gluing it back together.
1700 words last night, late, on a new short tentatively called "Chain-driven." (Which, if you happen to live in Austin and are aware of a certain slice of society, you might recognize as a sly wink to a local landmark.) This one seems like it might end up being crazy but fun.
Oh, and "Lost Luggage?" I pulled it up after the second draft of "Road" was done and discovered I had already rewritten it. The ending isn't what I want it to be; I'll probably get it critiqued and rework it. It's not my best piece ever, but it has what I think is a truly original central conceit, and I should be able to make it sales-worthy. And hey, at something like 2500 words, it's in a rare phylum: a complete story by me under 50 pages!
Finally, I have decided to go ahead and hold onto "Nayda" until Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Wretch Day (April 23), when I may be able to get some linkage via my VP instructors who participate.
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